Inria Startup Studio

The Startup Studio finances and supports people and their project in a relationship of trust, goodwill, transparency and respect. This does not prevent us from being ambitious and demanding for the projects. All of this is a consequence of the background and experience of our team and 30 years of creating startups at Inria.

Inria Startup Studio | Spring Camp 2022 © Inria / Marie Magnin
Inria Startup Studio | Séminaire © Inria / Marie Magnin
© Inria / Benoit Fourrier

What we believe in

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Inria Startup Studio | CPPI Camp © Inria / Marie Magnin
We believe, by experience and conviction, that digital deeptech is above all driven by people, entrepreneurs (sometimes in the making). Entrepreneurship is first and foremost discovered through practice (“learning by doing”), and more importantly, one “does not support innovative people by telling them what to do but by allowing them to do it”.
© Inria / Sébastien Jarry
Logically, therefore, we do not impose anything to people: we give them access to resources, events and training. It is the entrepreneurs who decide the strategy and the direction that their project takes.
© Inria / Marie Magnin
We called our method “co-design”. Project owners (our future startup creators) are supported in the project in a double dimension, a local and daily one with the innovation managers of the centers and a more distanced one with the co-designers of ISS. More on our blog post The co-design, the support by Inria Startup Studio.
© Inria / Benoit Fourrier
The support is therefore permanent, daily, coupled with a board logic, similar to that of the board of directors of a start-up, whose members are above all the project owners, then the innovation managers of the centers and the ISS co-designers. These daily and recurring meetings put the project in ideal conditions to prepare the creation of the startup before its development towards new horizons.
The best way to verify that these claims are not just words is to contact our alumni.
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The ISS co-designers

They coordinate and animate the program and they support project owners on the strategic dimension of their projects.

Inria Startup Studio | Sophie Pellat © Inria / Marie Magnin

Sophie Pellat

Sophie was a partner since 2006 of the Inria Transfert IT2i fund,
Sophie joined Inria Transfert in 2006 then co-founded as a partner in 2011 the IT-Translation fund, which has financed many digital deeptech startups, before joining ISS for its creation in 2019.

She began her career in strategic management consulting (Gemini Consulting, Altis and Ernst&Young) then created her own company. She is a graduate of ENSTA ParisTech in Computer Science and Systems Analysis and of the HEC Entrepreneurs Master’s degree.

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Inria Startup Studio | Antoine Albrecht © Inria / Marie Magnin

Antoine Albrecht

Antoine joined ISS in 2021 after 10 years at IFP Energies Nouvelles and 5 years leading a new Business Unit of D2T, a spinoff from IFPEN and acquired by FEV in 2015.

He also spent 2 years at SATT Aquitaine in the marketing of innovative Deeptech projects and developed a business development services activity for tech entrepreneurs. Antoine is a graduate of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (1998) and a PhD from INP Toulouse in fluid mechanics (2001).

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Inria Startup Studio | Hervé Lebret © Inria / Raphaël de Bengy

Hervé Lebret

After a career as a researcher in applied mathematics, Hervé turned to innovation, with more than 5 years in venture capital with Index Ventures then 15 years supporting startup creation at EPFL (Switzerland).

He is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and Stanford University and did his PhD in convex optimization issues. He joined Inria in 2019 for the launch of the Startup Studio.

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Hilaire Le Gouellec

Hilaire joined ISS in March 2025. He has been supporting and operating in startups since 2008. With a background combining entrepreneurship in the SaaS and data privacy industry (Co-founder & Product Director), project director in startups and scaleups (Peopledoc) until acquisition, then innovation management and structuring of support programs within Bpifrance.

Hilaire completed his MBA at New York University (Stern) and joined Google in product marketing. Since 2022, Hilaire has carried out missions in the climate tech and decarbonization ecosystem, which notably combines deeptech and AI technologies.

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Inria Startup Studio | Sophie Pellat © Inria / Marie Magnin

Sophie Pellat

Sophie was a partner since 2006 of the Inria Transfert IT2i fund,
Sophie joined Inria Transfert in 2006 then co-founded as a partner in 2011 the IT-Translation fund, which has financed many digital deeptech startups, before joining ISS for its creation in 2019.

She began her career in strategic management consulting (Gemini Consulting, Altis and Ernst&Young) then created her own company. She is a graduate of ENSTA ParisTech in Computer Science and Systems Analysis and of the HEC Entrepreneurs Master’s degree.

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Inria Startup Studio | Hervé Lebret © Inria / Raphaël de Bengy

Hervé Lebret

After a career as a researcher in applied mathematics, Hervé turned to innovation, with more than 5 years in venture capital with Index Ventures then 15 years supporting startup creation at EPFL (Switzerland).

He is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and Stanford University and did his PhD in convex optimization issues. He joined Inria in 2019 for the launch of the Startup Studio.

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Inria Startup Studio | Antoine Albrecht © Inria / Marie Magnin

Antoine Albrecht

Antoine joined ISS in 2021 after 10 years at IFP Energies Nouvelles and 5 years leading a new Business Unit of D2T, a spinoff from IFPEN and acquired by FEV in 2015.

He also spent 2 years at SATT Aquitaine in the marketing of innovative Deeptech projects and developed a business development services activity for tech entrepreneurs. Antoine is a graduate of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (1998) and a PhD from INP Toulouse in fluid mechanics (2001).

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Hilaire Le Gouellec

Hilaire joined ISS in March 2025. He has been supporting and operating in startups since 2008. With a background combining entrepreneurship in the SaaS and data privacy industry (Co-founder & Product Director), project director in startups and scaleups (Peopledoc) until acquisition, then innovation management and structuring of support programs within Bpifrance.

Hilaire completed his MBA at New York University (Stern) and joined Google in product marketing. Since 2022, Hilaire has carried out missions in the climate tech and decarbonization ecosystem, which notably combines deeptech and AI technologies.

More on LinkedIn.

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Rennes Bordeaux Grenoble Lyon Lille Paris Saclay Nancy Sophia Antipolis

The Innovation officers

They provide a business support in all the project dimensions as well as a day-to-day support for the teams housed in their centre.

(Click on the city to make them appear)

Rennes :

Inria Startup Studio | Antoine Le Graet © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Antoine Le Graët


Bordeaux :

Inria Startup Studio | Emilie Pons © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Emilie Pons

Inria Startup Studio | Melanie Saleur © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Mathilde Saleur


Grenoble :

Inria Startup Studio | Valerie Martinez © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Valerie Martinez

Inria Startup Studio | Nicolas Jourdan

Nicolas Jourdan

Inria Startup Studio | Vincent Rigau © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Vincent Rigau


Lyon :

Caroline Apa


Lille :

Inria Startup Studio | Grégoire Maurice © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Grégoire Maurice


Paris :

Inria Startup Studio | Raphaël de Saint-Exupery

Raphaël de Saint-Exupery


Saclay :

Inria Startup Studio | Marie Dudicourt © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Marie Dudicourt

Inria Startup Studio | Dylan Chomé

Dylan Chomé

Inria Startup Studio | Benjamin Marteau

Benjamin Marteau


Nancy :

Helene Gerecke (Interim)


Sophia Antipolis :

Inria Startup Studio | Stéphanie Morales © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Stéphanie Morales

Inria Startup Studio | Emmanuel Gothie © Inria / Benoit Fourrier

Emmanuel Gothié

Inria Startup Studio | Alain Prette

Alain Prette


Our ecosystem

Entrepreneurship in deeptech is rich and complex. If it starts with ideas, sometimes research, technology transfer, it is mainly supported with:

  • Advice (training, coaching, mentoring)
  • Funding (subsidies, prizes, but also investments)
  • Housing (co-working spaces, incubators, accelerators, technology parks)
  • Exposure (events, networking, presentation of ideas, community)
  • And Internationalization (rarely can a deeptech project stay within its initial borders)

You will find much more information in our blog post : The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem around Inria Startup Studio.

Through its partnership with BPIFrance, its relations with several hundred investors, its training offer with reference organisations, its participation in major innovation events, Inria Startup Studio is perfectly integrated into the French ecosystem and allows project owners of the program to prepare the rest of their project in the best possible conditions.

Inria Startup Studio | HackATech Rennes © Inria / Photo Agence Ludys – A. Le Ny
© Inria

A desire to try

Contact us
Inria Startup Studio | Footer HackATech rose © Inria / Sébastien Jarry
Inria Startup Studio | Footer Inria rose © Inria
© Inria / Marie Magnin