Inria Startup Studio is a program created and run by Inria. The people in the project join Inria in one of its 9 centers, for the duration of the program and can benefit from the environment of a world-renowned institute in computer science and digital technologies.
The project,
it’s you!
At Inria Startup Studio, we favor people over technology

Why choose ISS?
- Inria funds you and opens its doors during 1 year
- At the same, you and only you manage your project
- We succeed, if you succeed
The 6 pillars of the program
up to 2 people for 1 year and a project budget (10k€ max)
with 4 hands by the team of the center and the team of the startup studio
with the ISS community and much more
in one of the 9 Inria centers in France
on all aspects of entrepreneurship
access to national and international contacts
In return, Inria will take 5% of your startup when it is created.
The Program
in Images
During you ISS year
of training
camps per year
Fête des startups
up to 2
people funded per project
people (including alumni)
professionals in support
Who is the program for?
Anyone with the will to become an entrepreneur (researchers, PhD students, graduate students, engineers, self-educated… coming from Inria or not) and:
A startup project with a digital deeptech DNA
The technical capacity to develop the Proof of Concept
The opportunity to fully engage in the program
Where to join the program?
Entrepreneurs benefiting from the program are housed and supported in one of the 9 Inria centers in France.
Rennes :
Centre Inria de l’Université de Rennes
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu Avenue du Général Leclerc 35042 Rennes
Bordeaux :
Centre Inria de l’Université de Bordeaux
200, avenue de la Vieille Tour 33405 Talence
Grenoble :
Centre Inria de l’Université Grenoble Alpes
655 Av. de l’Europe, 38330 Montbonnot-Saint-Martin
Lyon :
Lille :
Centre Inria de l’Université de Lille
172 avenue de Bretagne 59 000 Lille
Paris :
2, rue Simone Iff Paris 12e arrondissement
Saclay :
Bâtiment Alan Turing
Campus de l’École polytechnique
1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves
91120 Palaiseau
Nancy :
Centre Inria de l’Université de Lorraine
615, rue du Jardin Botanique 54600 Villers-lès-Nancy
Sophia Antipolis :
Centre Inria d’Université Côte d’Azur
2004, route des Lucioles BP93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis
The entrepreneurs’
Projet Neuropin
Projet Naimrod
Projet Optimo
Projet Pulse Audition
How to apply?
Applications are made on the fly with selection committees that take place every month. The process usually takes a few weeks. The 3 steps to join the program:
1 / Discovery
Let’s explore together the interest of the program for your project
2 / Pitch
Present your project to the startup studio selection committee
3 / Let’s go!
If you are selected, join the program in the following months in one of the 9 Inria centers
You are in and so are we
We inform you of our final decision
The Committee of Inria Startup Studio (CISS)
As a project owner, you will be supported in the development of your application file for the Startup Studio program. When filed, you will present your project to the Startup Studio committee, which will issue recommendations regarding the decision of François Cuny, Inria’s Deputy Managing Director for Innovation.
The Startup Studio committee is mainly composed of external personalities:
François Cuny LinkedIn
Inria’s Deputy Managing Director for Innovation – Chairman of the Committee
Jean-François Abramatic LinkedIn
Inria Research Director Emeritus
David Argelliès LinkedIn
VP Business Development, Fairmat
Paul Berrux LinkedIn
Managing Director, Multeam
François Bancilhon LinkedIn
Entrepreneur and former Researcher
François-Régis Chaumartin LinkedIn
Founder and CEO of Proxem
Jean-Michel Dalle LinkedIn
Managing Director, Agoranov
Ricardo de Aldama LinkedIn
Cofounder ScrubChart.AI
Céline Debled LinkedIn
Digital Division Business Manager, Agoranov
Baptiste Fradin LinkedIn
Entrepreneur & Impact Investor
Christian Frisch LinkedIn
Co-founder & CTO, Dalia
Jean-Christophe Gougeon LinkedIn
Software / AI / Quantum Computing Sector Manager, BPIFrance
Catherine Guillemin LinkedIn
President, SATT Sayens
Laurent Kott LinkedIn
Venture Partner, Elaia and President, LKonseilInnov
Nicolas Landrin LinkedIn
Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, ESSEC
Nicolas Penet LinkedIn
Investment Director, UI Investissement
Benoit Rottembourg LinkedIn
REGALIA mission project manager, Inria
Damien Tardieu LinkedIn
Advisor and Investor – Former cofounder and CEO, Niland (Spotify)
Frequently-Asked Questions
What is the link between Inria Startup Studio and Inria?
Must you have a link with Inria to be able to benefit from the program?
No, no link with Inria is necessary
Must the applicants have a PhD?
No, the applicants do not need to have a PhD.
What digital skills are needed to apply?
The program is called digital deeptech. It is essential that the team members master the core science or technologies that will be developed for the startup during the program.
You mention a technology to be able to apply. What is it about ?
By technology, we mean at least a technological vision with the associated know-how and ideally a first achievement, even for another application, or even a first technological brick adapted to the project.
Is the program reserved for people residing in France?
No, but at least one of the team members must reside in France as she/he will be recruited in one of the Inria centers.
What level of maturity must the project have to apply?
The project can have any level of maturity provided that the startup is not already created.
Can the projects of the program benefit from Inria resources, in particular the research teams?
The support of the teams is not guaranteed but it is possible if entrepreneurs and researchers agree to do so. The program does not manage the connections.
And when you leave the ISS program, what happens?
Ideally, the startup is created shortly after the program is completed. It is also possible that the project leaders abandon the project (for good reasons). Experience shows that they come out of it significantly enriched for the rest of their professional career.
How does the startup acquire the right to exploit what has been developed in the project during the program?
All the assets developed for the project by the people funded during the program are subject to an exclusive license for the benefit of the startup. This is the counterpart to the 5% that Inria acquires when the startup is created.
What are the pay levels during the program?
People are remunerated according to the Inria salary scales.
Is it possible to recruit a person for the duration of the program?
Yes the program pays up to two people in total.
When is the consideration for Inria (5% in BSA) set up? What happens if the startup is not created?
BSAs are taken when the startup is created. If the creation does not take place, Inria does not ask for any other consideration.