The project,
it’s you!

At Inria Startup Studio, we favor people over technology

© Inria / Marie Magnin
Inria Startup Studio | Crowfox © Inria / Benoit Fourrier
Inria Startup Studio | Spring Camp programme accompagnement startup © Inria / Marie Magnin
Les porteurs aux Spring Camp 2022 © Inria / Marie Magnin

Why choose ISS?

  • Inria funds you and opens its doors during 1 year
  • At the same, you and only you manage your project
  • We succeed, if you succeed
Discover the Startup Studio

The 6 pillars of the program

Inria StartupStudio | Picto Financement


up to 2 people for 1 year and a project budget (10k€ max)

Inria StartupStudio | Picto accompagnement


with 4 hands by the team of the center and the team of the startup studio

Inria StartupStudio | Picto evenements


with the ISS community and much more

Inria StartupStudio | Picto hebergement


in one of the 9 Inria centers in France

Inria StartupStudio | Picto formations


on all aspects of entrepreneurship

Inria StartupStudio | Picto reseaux


access to national and international contacts

In return, Inria will take 5% of your startup when it is created.

The Program

in Images

During you ISS year


of training


camps per year


Fête des startups

up to 2

people funded per project


people (including alumni)


professionals in support

Who is the program for?

Anyone with the will to become an entrepreneur (researchers, PhD students, graduate students, engineers, self-educated… coming from Inria or not) and:

Inria Startup Studio | Picto deeptech numerique

A startup project with a digital deeptech DNA

Inria Startup Studio | Picto Technicite

The technical capacity to develop the Proof of Concept

Inria Startup Studio | Picto engagement

The opportunity to fully engage in the program

Rennes Bordeaux Grenoble Lyon Lille Paris Saclay Nancy Sophia Antipolis

Where to join the program?

Entrepreneurs benefiting from the program are housed and supported in one of the 9 Inria centers in France.

Discover the teams in the center

Rennes :

Centre Inria de l’Université de Rennes

Campus universitaire de Beaulieu Avenue du Général Leclerc 35042 Rennes

Bordeaux :

Centre Inria Bordeaux © Inria / Photo G. Destombes

Centre Inria de l’Université de Bordeaux

200, avenue de la Vieille Tour 33405 Talence

Grenoble :

Centre Inria de l’Université Grenoble Alpes

655 Av. de l’Europe, 38330 Montbonnot-Saint-Martin

Lyon :

Centre Inria de Lyon

Bâtiment CEI-2 – Campus La Doua

56, Boulevard Niels Bohr 69 603 Villeurbanne

Lille :

Centre Inria Lille © Inria / Grégory Destombes

Centre Inria de l’Université de Lille

172 avenue de Bretagne 59 000 Lille

Paris :

Centre Inria de Paris

2, rue Simone Iff Paris 12e arrondissement

Saclay :

Centre Inria de Saclay

Bâtiment Alan Turing

Campus de l’École polytechnique

1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves

91120 Palaiseau

Nancy :

Centre Inria de l’Université de Lorraine

615, rue du Jardin Botanique 54600 Villers-lès-Nancy

Sophia Antipolis :

Centre Inria d’Université Côte d’Azur

2004, route des Lucioles BP93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis

The entrepreneurs’

Inria Startup Studio | Antonia-Machlouzarides Shalit Temoignage © Inria / 3.0 Production

Antonia Machlouzarides Shalit

Projet Neuropin

Inria Startup Studio | Benedict O'Donnell Temoignage © Inria / 3.0 Production

Benedict O’Donnell

Projet Naimrod

Inria Startup Studio | Geoffrey Pruvot Temoignage © Inria / 3.0 Production

Geoffrey Pruvost

Projet Optimo

Inria Startup Studio | Thibaud-Moufle-Milot-Temoignage © Inria / 3.0 Production

Thibaud Moufle-Milot

Projet Pulse Audition

How to apply?

Applications are made on the fly with selection committees that take place every month. The process usually takes a few weeks. The 3 steps to join the program:

I apply

1 / Discovery

Let’s explore together the interest of the program for your project

2 / Pitch

Present your project to the startup studio selection committee

3 / Let’s go!

If you are selected, join the program in the following months in one of the 9 Inria centers


You are in and so are we


We inform you of our final decision

The Committee of Inria Startup Studio (CISS)

As a project owner, you will be supported in the development of your application file for the Startup Studio program. When filed, you will present your project to the Startup Studio committee, which will issue recommendations regarding the decision of François Cuny, Inria’s Deputy Managing Director for Innovation.

The Startup Studio committee is mainly composed of external personalities:

François Cuny LinkedIn

Inria’s Deputy Managing Director for Innovation – Chairman of the Committee

Jean-François Abramatic LinkedIn

Inria Research Director Emeritus

David Argelliès LinkedIn

VP Business Development, Fairmat

Paul Berrux LinkedIn

Managing Director, Multeam

François Bancilhon LinkedIn

Entrepreneur and former Researcher

François-Régis Chaumartin LinkedIn

Founder and CEO of Proxem

Jean-Michel Dalle LinkedIn

Managing Director, Agoranov

Ricardo de Aldama LinkedIn

Cofounder ScrubChart.AI

Céline Debled LinkedIn

Digital Division Business Manager, Agoranov

Baptiste Fradin LinkedIn

Entrepreneur & Impact Investor

Christian Frisch LinkedIn

Co-founder & CTO, Dalia

Jean-Christophe Gougeon LinkedIn

Software / AI / Quantum Computing Sector Manager, BPIFrance

Catherine Guillemin LinkedIn

President, SATT Sayens

Laurent Kott LinkedIn

Venture Partner, Elaia and President, LKonseilInnov

Nicolas Landrin LinkedIn

Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, ESSEC

Nicolas Penet LinkedIn

Investment Director, UI Investissement

Benoit Rottembourg LinkedIn

REGALIA mission project manager, Inria

Damien Tardieu LinkedIn

Advisor and Investor – Former cofounder and CEO, Niland (Spotify)

Frequently-Asked Questions

Want to get started?

Contact us
© Inria / Sébastien Jarry
© Inria
© Inria / Marie Magnin